
Does Black Skyscrapers Clothing Have A Registered Trademark

Lightest colour


Delphinapterus leucas 2.jpg

Canonization 2014-The Canonization of Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II (14037015405).jpg

Bride at meiji shrine.jpg


Al-Haram mosque - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg

White Cliffs of Dover 02.JPG

About these coordinates Color coordinates
Hex triplet #FFFFFF
sRGB B (r, yard, b) (255, 255, 255)
HSV (h, south, v) (0°, 0%, 100%)
CIELChuv (50, C, h) (100, 0, 0°)
Source [Unsourced]
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)

White is the lightest colour and is achromatic (having no hue). It is the color of snow, chalk, and milk, and is the contrary of black. White objects fully reflect and scatter all the visible wavelengths of light. White on television and computer screens is created by a mixture of red, blue, and light-green light. The colour white can be given with white pigments, specially titanium dioxide.[1]

Symbolic meaning

In ancient Egypt and ancient Rome, priestesses wore white as a symbol of purity, and Romans wore white togas equally symbols of citizenship. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance a white unicorn symbolized chastity, and a white lamb sacrifice and purity. It was the regal colour of the kings of France, and of the monarchist move that opposed the Bolsheviks during the Russian Ceremonious War (1917–1922). Greek and Roman temples were faced with white marble, and start in the 18th century, with the advent of neoclassical architecture, white became the most mutual color of new churches, capitols and other authorities buildings, peculiarly in the United States. It was also widely used in 20th century modern compages as a symbol of modernity and simplicity.

According to surveys in Europe and the United States, white is the color most often associated with perfection, the skilful, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude.[ii] White is an important colour for nigh all world religions. The pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, has worn white since 1566, as a symbol of purity and sacrifice. In Islam, and in the Shinto religion of Japan, information technology is worn by pilgrims. In Western cultures and in Japan, white is the about common color for wedding dresses, symbolizing purity and virginity. In many Asian cultures, white is as well the color of mourning.[three]


The word white continues Old English language hwīt , ultimately from a Common Germanic *χwītaz also reflected in OHG (h)wîz , ON hvítr , Goth. ƕeits . The root is ultimately from Proto-Indo-European linguistic communication *mwid- , surviving besides in Sanskrit śveta "to exist white or bright"[4] and Slavonic světŭ "light".[v] [6] The Icelandic word for white, hvítur , is directly derived from the Old Norse form of the word hvítr . Common Germanic as well had the word *blankaz ("white, bright, blinding"), borrowed into Tardily Latin as *blancus, which provided the source for Romance words for "white" (Catalan, Occitan and French blanc, Spanish blanco, Italian bianco, Galician-Portuguese branco, etc.). The antithesis of white is blackness.

Some not-European languages have a wide diverseness of terms for white. The Inuit linguistic communication has seven different words for seven different nuances of white. Sanskrit has specific words for vivid white, the white of teeth, the white of sandalwood, the white of the autumn moon, the white of silverish, the white of moo-cow'south milk, the white of pearls, the white of a ray of sunlight, and the white of stars. Japanese has half dozen different words, depending upon brilliance or dullness, or if the color is inert or dynamic.[7]

History and art

Prehistoric and aboriginal history

White was one of the first colors used in fine art. The Lascaux Cavern in France contains drawings of bulls and other animals drawn by paleolithic artists between eighteen,000 and 17,000 years ago. Paleolithic artists used calcite or chalk, sometimes equally a background, sometimes every bit a highlight, forth with charcoal and blood-red and yellow ochre in their vivid cave paintings.[8] [9]

In ancient Arab republic of egypt, white was connected with the goddess Isis. The priests and priestesses of Isis dressed only in white linen, and it was used to wrap mummies.[ten]

In Greece and other aboriginal civilizations, white was often associated with mother's milk. In Greek mythology, the principal god Zeus was nourished at the chest of the nymph Amalthea. In the Talmud, milk was ane of four sacred substances, along with wine, honey, and the rose.[11]

The aboriginal Greeks saw the world in terms of darkness and low-cal, so white was a fundamental color. According to Pliny the Elder in his Natural History, Apelles (4th century BC) and the other famous painters of ancient Greece used but four colors in their paintings; white, cherry-red, yellowish and black;[12] For painting, the Greeks used the highly toxic pigment lead white, made by a long and laborious process.[thirteen]

A plain white toga, known as a toga virilis, was worn for formalism occasions by all Roman citizens over the age of xiv–eighteen. Magistrates and certain priests wore a toga praetexta, with a broad majestic stripe. In the fourth dimension of the Emperor Augustus, no Roman man was allowed to announced in the Roman forum without a toga.

The ancient Romans had two words for white; albus, a plain white, (the source of the word albino); and candidus, a brighter white. A man who wanted public office in Rome wore a white toga brightened with chalk, called a toga candida, the origin of the discussion candidate. The Latin word candere meant to smoothen, to be bright. It was the origin of the words candle and aboveboard.[xiv]

In aboriginal Rome, the priestesses of the goddess Vesta dressed in white linen robes, a white palla or shawl, and a white veil. They protected the sacred burn down and the penates of Rome. White symbolized their purity, loyalty, and chastity.[10]

Postclassical history

The early on Christian church building adopted the Roman symbolism of white equally the colour of purity, sacrifice and virtue. It became the color worn by priests during Mass, the color worn by monks of the Cistercian Order, and, nether Pope Pius V, a onetime monk of the Dominican Lodge, information technology became the official color worn by the pope himself. Monks of the Order of Saint Benedict dressed in the white or gray of natural undyed wool, but later changed to blackness, the colour of humility and penitence.

Postclassical history art, the white lamb became the symbol of the sacrifice of Christ on behalf of mankind. John the Baptist described Christ as the lamb of God, who took the sins of the world upon himself. The white lamb was the eye of 1 of the about famous paintings of the Medieval menstruation, the Ghent Altarpiece by January van Eyck.[15]

White was also the symbolic color of the transfiguration. The Gospel of Saint Mark describes Jesus' clothing in this event as "shining, exceeding white as snow." Artists such equally Fra Angelico used their skill to capture the whiteness of his garments. In his painting of the transfiguration at the Convent of Saint Mark in Florence, Fra Angelico emphasized the white garment by using a light gold groundwork, placed in an almond-shaped halo.[16]

The white unicorn was a common subject of Postclassical history manuscripts, paintings and tapestries. Information technology was a symbol of purity, guiltlessness and grace, which could merely be captured by a virgin. It was often portrayed in the lap of the Virgin Mary.[17]

During the Postclassical history, painters rarely ever mixed colors; but in the Renaissance, the influential humanist and scholar Leon Battista Alberti encouraged artists to add white to their colors to make them lighter, brighter, and to add together hilaritas, or gaiety. Many painters followed his advice, and the palette of the Renaissance was considerably brighter.[18]

Modern history

Until the 16th century, white was usually worn by widows as a colour of mourning. The widows of the kings of French republic wore white until Anne of Brittany in the 16th century. A white tunic was also worn by many knights, along with a red cloak, which showed the knights were willing to give their blood for the king or Church.

18th and 19th centuries

White was the dominant color of architectural interiors in the Baroque period and particularly the Rococo mode that followed information technology in the 18th century. Church interiors were designed to show the power, glory and wealth of the church. They seemed to be alive, filled with curves, disproportion, mirrors, gilding, statuary and reliefs, unified by white.

White was also a fashionable color for both men and women in the 18th century. Men in the aristocracy and upper classes wore powdered white wigs and white stockings, and women wore elaborate embroidered white and pastel gowns.

Afterwards the French Revolution, a more ascetic white (blanc cassé) became the well-nigh fashionable color in women's costumes which were modeled later the outfits of Aboriginal Hellenic republic and Republican Rome. Because of the rather revealing design of these dresses, the ladies wearing them were called les merveilleuses (the marvellous) by French men of that era.[19] The Empire style under Emperor Napoléon I was modeled after the more than conservative outfits of Ancient Imperial Rome. The dresses were loftier in fashion but depression in warmth because the more severe weather conditions of northern France; in 1814 the sometime married woman of Napoleon, Joséphine de Beauharnais, caught pneumonia and died after taking a walk in the cold night air with Tsar Alexander I of Russia.[20]

White was the universal color of both men and women'southward underwear and of sheets in the 18th and 19th centuries. Information technology was unthinkable to have sheets or underwear of any other color. The reason was simple; the way of washing linen in boiling water acquired colors to fade. When linen was worn out, it was collected and turned into high-quality paper.[21]

The 19th-century American painter James McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), working at the same fourth dimension as the French impressionists, created a series of paintings with musical titles where he used color to create moods, the style composers used music. His painting Symphony in White No. 1 – The White Girl, which used his mistress Joanna Hiffernan as a model, used delicate colors to portray innocence and fragility, and a moment of uncertainty.[22]

20th and 21st centuries

The White movement was the opposition that formed against the Bolsheviks during the Russian Ceremonious War, which followed the Russian Revolution in 1917. It was finally defeated by the Bolsheviks in 1921–22, and many of its members emigrated to Europe.

At the terminate of the 19th century, pb white was withal the most pop pigment; just betwixt 1916 and 1918, chemical companies in Norway and the U.s.a. began to produce titanium white, fabricated from titanium oxide. It had showtime been identified in the 18th century by the German language chemist Martin Klaproth, who as well discovered uranium. It had twice the covering power of lead white, and was the brightest white pigment known. Past 1945, 80 percent of the white pigments sold were titanium white.[23]

The absoluteness of white appealed to modernist painters. Information technology was used in its simplest class by the Russian suprematist painter Kazimir Malevich in his 1917 painting 'the white square,' the companion to his earlier 'black square.' Information technology was too used by the Dutch modernist painter Piet Mondrian. His most famous paintings consisted of a pure white canvas with grid of vertical and horizontal black lines and rectangles of primary colors.

Blackness and white besides appealed to modernist architects, such as Le Corbusier (1887–1965). He said a house was "a machine for living in" and chosen for a "calm and powerful architecture" built of reinforced concrete and steel, without any ornament or frills.[24] Nearly all the buildings of contemporary builder Richard Meier, such as his museum in Rome to house the ancient Roman Ara Pacis, or Altar of Peace, are stark white, in the tradition of Le Corbusier.

Scientific agreement (Color scientific discipline)

Lite is perceived by the human visual arrangement as white when the incoming lite to the center stimulates all iii types of color sensitive cone cells in the eye in roughly equal amounts.[25] Materials that practise not emit lite themselves appear white if their surfaces reflect back most of the lite that strikes them in a diffuse style.

White low-cal

In 1666, Isaac Newton demonstrated that white light was composed of multiple colors by passing it through a prism to pause it upwards into components then using a second prism to reassemble them. Before Newton, most scientists believed that white was the fundamental colour of light.[26]

White light can be generated past the sunday, past stars, or past earthbound sources such as fluorescent lamps, white LEDs and incandescent bulbs. On the screen of a color tv or computer, white is produced past mixing the primary colors of light: blood-red, green and blue (RGB) at full intensity, a process called additive mixing (see epitome below). White low-cal can exist fabricated using low-cal with only two wavelengths, for instance by mixing lite from a red and cyan light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation or yellow and blue lasers. This light will all the same take very few applied applications since color rendering of objects will be greatly distorted.

The fact that light sources with vastly unlike spectral ability distributions can effect in a similar sensory feel is due to the fashion the light is processed by the visual arrangement. Ane color that arises from two different spectral power distributions is called a metamerism.

Many of the calorie-free sources that emit white light emit light at almost all visible wavelengths (sun light, incandescent lamps of various Colour temperatures). This has led to the notion that white light can be defined as a mixture of "all colors" or "all visible wavelengths".[27] [28] This widespread idea is a misconception,[ citation needed ] and might originally stem from the fact that Newton discovered that sunlight is composed of lite with wavelengths across the visible spectrum. Last that since "all colors" produce white light then white must be made up of "all colors" is a common logical error called affirming the consequent, which might be the cause of the misunderstanding.

A range of spectral distributions of light sources can be perceived as white—there is no unmarried, unique specification of "white light". For example, when ownership a "white" light seedling, one might buy one labeled 2700K, 6000K, etc., which produce calorie-free having very different spectral distributions, and nonetheless this will non prevent the user from identifying the color of objects that those lite bulbs illuminate.[29]

White objects

Colour vision allows us to distinguish different objects by their colour. In order to do so, color constancy can keep the perceived color of an object relatively unchanged when the illumination changes amid various broad (whitish) spectral distributions of low-cal.[29]

The same principle is used in photography and cinematography where the choice of white indicate determines a transformation of all other color stimuli. Changes in or manipulation of the white point tin can be used to explain some optical illusions such every bit The apparel.

While at that place is no single, unique specification of "white lite", there is indeed a unique specification of "white object", or, more than specifically, "white surface". A perfectly white surface diffusely reflects (scatters) all visible lite that strikes it, without arresting any, irrespective of the light's wavelength or spectral distribution.[30] [31] Since it does non absorb any of the incident light, white is the lightest possible colour. If the reflection is not diffuse merely rather specular, this describes a mirror rather than a white surface.[32] [30]

Reflection of 100% of incident light at all wavelengths is a form of uniform reflectance, and so white is an achromatic color, meaning a color without hue.[33] [34] The color stimulus produced by the perfect diffuser is ordinarily considered to be an achromatic stimulus for all illuminants, except for those whose light sources appear to exist highly chromatic.[35]

Color constancy is achieved by chromatic accommodation. The International Commission on Illumination defines white (adapted) as "a color stimulus that an observer who is [chromatically] adapted to the viewing surround would judge to be perfectly achromatic and to take a luminance factor of unity. The color stimulus that is considered to be the adapted white may be different at different locations within a scene.[36]

White features in nature

Beaches with sand containing high amounts of quartz or eroded limestone likewise appear white, since quartz and limestone reflect or scatter sunlight, rather than arresting it. Tropical white sand beaches may too have a high quantity of white calcium carbonate from tiny $.25 of seashells footing to fine sand by the action of the waves.[37]

The White Cliffs of Dover accept their white color from the large amount of chalk, made of limestone, which they comprise, which reflects the sunlight.

Snow is a mixture of air and tiny ice crystals. When white sunlight enters snow, very fiddling of the spectrum is absorbed; almost all of the lite is reflected or scattered by the air and h2o molecules, and then the snowfall appears to be the colour of sunlight, white. Sometimes the light bounces around inside the ice crystals before being scattered, making the snow seem to sparkle.[38]

In the case of glaciers, the water ice is more tightly pressed together and contains little air. As sunlight enters the ice, more low-cal of the red spectrum is absorbed, so the light scattered will be blue.[39]

Clouds are white for the same reason as ice. They are equanimous of water droplets or ice crystals mixed with air, very trivial calorie-free that strikes them is absorbed, and nigh of the light is scattered, appearing to the eye equally white. Shadows of other clouds above can make clouds look gray, and some clouds have their own shadow on the bottom of the cloud.[xl]

Many mountains with winter or year-round snow cover are named accordingly: Mauna Kea means white mountain in Hawaiian, Mont Blanc means white mountain in French. Changbai Mountains literally pregnant perpetually white mountains, marks the border between Prc and Korea.

White materials

Chalk is a type of limestone, made of the mineral calcite, or calcium carbonate. It was originally deposited under the sea every bit the scales or plates of tiny micro-organisms called Coccolithophore. It was the first white pigment used by prehistoric artists in cave paintings. The chalk used on blackboards today is usually made of gypsum or calcium sulphate, a powder pressed into sticks.

Bianco di San Giovanni is a paint used in the Renaissance, which was described by the painter Cennino Cennini in the 15th century. It is similar to chalk, fabricated of calcium carbonate with calcium hydroxide. It was fabricated of dried lime which was made into a pulverisation, then soaked in water for viii days, with the water changed each day. It was and then made into cakes and dried in the sun.[41]

Pb white was being produced during the fourth century BC; the process is described is Pliny the Elder, Vitruvius and the ancient Greek author Theophrastus. Pieces of lead were put into dirt pots which had a separate compartment filled with vinegar. The pots in plow were piled on shelves shut to moo-cow dung. The combined fumes of the vinegar and the cow dung acquired the lead to corrode into pb carbonate. It was a wearisome process which could take a calendar month or more. Information technology made an excellent white and was used by artists for centuries, but it was as well toxic. It was replaced in the 19th century by zinc white and titanium white.[42]

Titanium white is the well-nigh popular white for artists today; it is the brightest bachelor white pigment, and has twice the coverage of atomic number 82 white. It starting time became commercially available in 1921. It is fabricated out of titanium dioxide, from the minerals brookite, anatase, rutile, or ilmenite, currently the major source. Because of its brilliant whiteness, it is used as a colorant for most toothpaste and sunscreen.[43]

Zinc white is made from zinc oxide. It is similar to only not every bit opaque as titanium white. Information technology is added to some foods to enrich them with zinc, an important nutrient.[44] Chinese white is a variety of zinc white made for artists.[45]

Some materials tin exist made to wait "whiter than white", this is achieved using optical brightener agents (OBA). These are chemical compounds that blot calorie-free in the ultraviolet and violet region (usually 340–370 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum, and re-emit light in the blue region (typically 420–470 nm). OBAs are often used in newspaper and clothing to create an impression of very bright white. This is due to the fact that the materials really ship out more visible light than they receive.

Bleach and bleaching

Bleaching is a process for whitening fabrics which has been practiced for thousands of years. Sometimes it was simply a thing of leaving the fabric in the sun, to be faded by the bright light. In the 18th century several scientists adult varieties of chlorine bleach, including sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder).[46] Bleaching agents that do not contain chlorine about often are based on peroxides, such every bit hydrogen peroxide, sodium percarbonate and sodium perborate. While near bleaches are oxidizing agents, a fewer number are reducing agents such as sodium dithionite.

Bleaches set on the chromophores, the part of a molecule which absorbs lite and causes fabrics to have different colors. An oxidizing bleach works by breaking the chemical bonds that brand upwards the chromophore. This changes the molecule into a unlike substance that either does not contain a chromophore, or contains a chromophore that does not blot visible light. A reducing bleach works by converting double bonds in the chromophore into unmarried bonds. This eliminates the ability of the chromophore to absorb visible light.[47]

Sunlight acts as a bleach through a similar procedure. High free energy photons of light, often in the violet or ultraviolet range, can disrupt the bonds in the chromophore, rendering the resulting substance colorless.[48]

Some detergents become i step further; they incorporate fluorescent chemicals which glow, making the fabric await literally whiter than white.[49]

In the natural world


Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Sirius B, a white dwarf, is the faint pinprick of light to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A.

A white dwarf is a stellar remnant composed mostly of electron-degenerate affair. They are very dumbo; a white dwarf'south mass is comparable to that of the Sun and its volume is comparable to that of the Earth. Its faint luminosity comes from the emission of stored thermal energy. A white dwarf is very hot when it is formed, but since it has no source of energy, it volition gradually radiate away its free energy and cool down. This ways that its radiation, which initially has a high color temperature, will lessen and redden with time. Over a very long fourth dimension, a white dwarf will absurd to temperatures at which it will no longer emit significant rut or light, and information technology will become a cold black dwarf.[50] However, since no white dwarf can be older than the Age of the universe (approximately 13.8 billion years),[51] even the oldest white dwarfs still radiate at temperatures of a few thousand kelvins, and no black dwarfs are thought to exist yet.

An A-blazon primary-sequence star (A V) or A dwarf star is a main-sequence (hydrogen-called-for) star of spectral type A and luminosity class V. These stars have spectra which are defined by stiff hydrogen Balmer absorption lines.[52] [53] They have masses from one.4 to 2.1 times the mass of the Sun and surface temperatures between 7600 and xi 500  K.[54]


White animals employ their color as a form of cover-up in wintertime.

Religion and civilization

White is an important symbolic color in virtually religions and cultures, usually because of its association with purity.

In the Roman Catholic Church, white is associated with Jesus Christ, innocence and sacrifice. Since the Centre Ages, priests wearable a white cassock in many of the almost of import ceremonies and religious services connected with events in the life of Christ. White is worn by priests at Christmas, during Easter, and during celebrations connected with the other events of the life of Christ, such equally Corpus Christi Sunday, and Trinity Sunday. It is as well worn at the services defended to the Virgin Mary, and to those Saints who were not martyred, equally well as other special occasions, such as the ordination of priests and the installation of new bishops. Inside the hierarchy of the church, the lighter the color, the higher the rank. Ordinary priests habiliment blackness; bishops article of clothing violet, cardinals article of clothing red, and outside a church building, only the Pope will wear white.[55] Popes occasionally wore white in the Heart Ages, merely ordinarily wore red. Popes have worn white regularly since 1566, when Pope Pius 5, a fellow member of the Dominican Guild, began the practice. White is the color of the Dominican Gild.

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the color white is used as a symbol of purity, innocence, and cleanliness, especially in religious ceremonies such equally baptism[56] and temple ceremonies.[57] In temple ceremonies, white clothing is as well worn past all participants, both men and women, to also symbolize unity and equality before God.[58] [59]

In Islam, white habiliment is worn during required pilgrimage to Mecca, or Ihram pilgrimage (Hajj).Hajj. Chosen Ihram clothing, men'southward garments frequently consist of two white un-hemmed sheets (usually towelling material). The top (the riḍā) is draped over the torso and the bottom (the izār) is secured by a belt; plus a pair of sandals. Women'due south clothing varies considerably and reflects regional besides every bit religious influences. Ihram is typically worn during Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic calendar.

White also has a long history of utilise as a religious and political symbol in Islam, outset with the white banner that tradition ascribes to the Quraysh, the tribe to which Muhammad belonged. The Umayyad dynasty as well used white as its dynastic color, following the personal imprint of its founder, Mu'awiya I, while the Shi'ite Fatimids also chose white to highlight their opposition to the Sunni Abbasid Caliphate, whose color was black.[threescore]

In Judaism, during the rituals of Yom Kippur, the ceremony of atonement, the rabbi dresses in white, as do the members of the congregation, to restore the bonds between God and his followers.

In the traditional Japanese organized religion of Shinto, an area of white gravel or stones marks a sacred identify, called a niwa. These places were dedicated to the kami, spirits which had descended from the heavens or had come up across the bounding main. Later, temples of Zen Buddhism in Nihon often featured a Zen garden, where white sand or gravel was advisedly raked to resemble rivers or streams, designed every bit objects of meditation.[61]

In the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-24-hour interval Saints (LDS Church or also known as Mormon), White clothing is worn inside once they take been officially dedicated, due to white symbolizing purity.[62]

Many religions symbolize sky by using a sky with white clouds. This phenomenon is not limited to western culture; in Yoruba organized religion, the orisha Obatala in the Ifá tradition is represented past white. Obatala is associated with calmness, morality, old age, and purity.

In Theosophy and similar religions, the deities chosen the Great White Brotherhood are said to accept white auras.[63]

In some Asian and Slavic cultures, white is considered to exist a colour that represents death.[64] White also represented death in ancient Egypt, representing the lifeless desert that covered much of the country; black was held to be the colour of life, representing the mud-covered fertile lands created by the flooding of the Nile and giving the land its name (Kemet, or "blackness land").

In Red china, Korea, and some other Asian countries, white, or more precisely, the whitish color of undyed linen, is the color of mourning and funerals.[65]

In traditional Red china, undyed linen wearable is worn at funerals. As fourth dimension passes, the bereaved tin gradually wear clothing dyed with colors, then with darker colors. Modest sacks of quicklime, one for each year of the life of the deceased are placed around the body to protect it confronting impurity in the next globe, and white paper flowers are placed around the body.[66]

In Prc and other Asian countries, white is the colour of reincarnation, showing that decease is not a permanent separation from the world.[67]

In China, white is associated with the masculine (the yang of the yin and yang); with the unicorn and tiger; with the fur of an animate being; with the direction of due west; with the element metal; and with the autumn flavour.[68]

In Japan, undyed linen white robes are worn by pilgrims for rituals of purification, and bathing in sacred rivers. In the mountains, pilgrims habiliment costumes of undyed jute to symbolize purity. A white kimono is often placed in the casket with the deceased for the journey to the other globe, equally white represents death sometimes.[69] Condolence gifts, or kooden, are tied with blackness and white ribbons and wrapped in white paper, protecting the contents from the impurities of the other world.[70]

In India, it is the colour of purity, divinity, disengagement and serenity. In Hindi, the name Sweta means white.

In Tibetan Buddhism, white robes were reserved for the lama of a monastery.

In the Bedouin and some other pastoral cultures, there is a stiff connection betwixt milk and white, which is considered the color of gratitude, esteem, joy, good fortune and fertility.[71]

In Paganism, it is used for peace, innocence, illumination, and purity. Information technology can too exist used to stand for any color.[72] White is besides associated with cleansing, a Pagan practice that cleans something using the elements. In Wicca, a white-handled knife chosen the boline is used in rituals.[73]

Political movements

White is often associated with monarchism. The clan originally came from the white flag of the Bourbon dynasty of France. White became the banner of the royalist rebellions against the French Revolution (come across Revolt in the Vendée).

During the Ceremonious War which followed the Russian Revolution of 1917, the White Ground forces, a coalition of monarchists, nationalists and liberals, fought unsuccessfully against the Reddish Ground forces of the Bolsheviks. A similar boxing between reds and whites took place during the Ceremonious State of war in Finland in the same menstruation.

The Ku Klux Klan is a racist and anti-immigrant organization which flourished in the Southern United States after the American Civil State of war. They wore white robes and hoods, burned crosses and violently attacked and murdered blackness Americans.

In Islamic republic of iran, the White Revolution was a series of social and political reforms launched in 1963 by the last Shah of Islamic republic of iran earlier his downfall.

White is also associated with peace and passive resistance. The white ribbon is worn by movements denouncing violence against women and the White Rose was a not-vehement resistance group in Nazi Germany.

Selected national flags featuring white

White is a mutual color in national flags, though its symbolism varies widely. The white in the flag of the United States and flag of the United Kingdom comes from traditional red St George's Cross on a white background of the historic flag of England. The white in the flag of France represents either the monarchy or "white, the ancient French color" according to the Marquis de Lafayette.

Many flags in the Arab world use the colors of the flag of the Arab Revolt of 1916; red, white, green and black. These include the flags of Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait and Iraq.

The Philippines too employ white as their symbol for unity in their flag.

Idioms and expressions

  • To whitewash something is to conceal an unpleasant reality.
  • A white lie is an innocent lie told out of politeness.
  • White dissonance is the noise of all the frequencies of audio combined. It is used to cover up unwanted noise.
  • A white knight in finance is a friendly investor who steps in to rescue a visitor from a hostile takeover.
  • White-collar workers are those who work in offices, as opposed to blue-collar workers, who work with their hands in factories or workshops.
  • A white paper is an administrative written report on a major consequence by a team of experts; a government report outlining policy; or a short treatise whose purpose is to brainwash industry customers. Associating a paper with white may signify clean facts and unbiased information.
  • The white plumage is a symbol of cowardice, especially in Britain.[76] It supposedly comes from cockfighting and the belief that a cockerel sporting a white plume in its tail is likely to be a poor fighter. At the get-go of the Outset World State of war, women in England were encouraged to give white feathers to men who had not enlisted in the British Military.[77]
  • In the U.s., a white shoe house is an older, bourgeois firm, usually in a field such as banking or law. The phrase derives from the "white bucks," laced suede or buckskin shoes with red soles, long popular in the Ivy League colleges.[78]
  • In Russian federation, the nobility are sometimes described equally white bone (белая кость, bélaya kost'), commoners every bit black bone.[79]

Associations and symbolism

Innocence and sacrifice

In Western culture, white is the colour most often associated with innocence, or purity.[fourscore] In the Bible and in Temple Judaism, white animals such every bit lambs were sacrificed to expiate sins. The white lily is considered the flower of purity and innocence, and is ofttimes associated with the Virgin Mary.


White is the color in Western civilisation most oftentimes associated with beginnings. In Christianity, children are baptized and first have communion wearing white. Christ later on the Resurrection is traditionally portrayed dressed in white.

Queen Elizabeth Two wears white when she opens each session of British Parliament. In high society, debutantes traditionally habiliment white for their first ball.


White has long been the traditional color worn by brides at imperial weddings, only the white wedding gown for ordinary people appeared in the 19th century. Before that time, most brides wore their best Sunday article of clothing, of whatsoever colour.[81] The white lace wedding gown of Queen Victoria in 1840 had a big touch on the color and fashion of wedding dresses in both Europe and America down to the present mean solar day.


White is the colour most associated with cleanliness. Objects which are expected to be clean, such as refrigerators and dishes, toilets and sinks, bed linen and towels, are traditionally white. White was the traditional color of the coats of doctors, nurses, scientists and laboratory technicians, though present a pale blue or green is often used. White is likewise the color most often worn by chefs, bakers, and butchers, and the color of the aprons of waiters in French restaurants.[82]

Ghosts, phantoms and 2 of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The woman in white, a familiar figure in European ghost stories

The biblical 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Conquest, with a bow, rides a white equus caballus. Death rides a stake or light dark-green equus caballus (painting by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1887).

White is the colour associated with ghosts and phantoms. In the past the dead were traditionally cached in a white shroud. Ghosts are said to be the spirits of the dead who, for various reasons, are unable to rest or enter heaven, and so walk the earth in their white shrouds. White is also connected with the paleness of decease. A mutual expression in English is "pale equally a ghost."[83]

The woman in white, Weiße Frau, or dame blanche is a familiar figure in English, German and French ghost stories. She is a spectral apparition of a female person clad in white, in nearly cases the ghost of an antecedent, sometimes giving warning about death and disaster. The most notable Weiße Frau is the legendary ghost of the German Hohenzollern dynasty.

Seeing a white equus caballus in a dream is said to be presentiment of expiry.[84] In the Volume of Revelation, the last book in the New Attestation of the Bible, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are supposed to denote the Apocalypse before the Last Sentence. The homo on a white horse with a bow and arrow, according to different interpretations, represents either War and Conquest, the Antichrist, or Christ himself, cleansing the world of sin. Death rides a equus caballus whose color is described in ancient Greek as khlōros (χλωρός) in the original Koine Greek,[85] which can hateful either green/greenish-yellow or pale/pallid.[86]

Opposite of black

In Taoism, white represents the yang or male energy, 1 of the two complementary natures of the universe.

Black and white oft represent the contrast between light and darkness, day and dark, male and female, good and evil.

In taoism, the 2 complementary natures of the universe, yin and yang, are frequently symbolized in black and white, Ancient games of strategy, such as become and chess, use black and white to stand for the two sides.

In the French monarchy, white symbolized the King and his power par la grâce de Dieu ("by the grace of God") and in dissimilarity blackness was the color of the queen who co-ordinate to the Salic Police force which excluded women from the throne (and thus from ability) could never become the ruling monarch.

Black and white also frequently correspond formality and seriousness, as in the costumes of judges and priests, business organisation suits, of formal evening clothes. Monks of the Dominican Order wearable a black cloak over a white addiction. Until 1972, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were informally required past FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to wear white shirts with their suits, to project the correct epitome of the FBI.[87]

Names taken from white

White is the source of more than names for women in western countries than whatever other color.[88] Names taken from white include Alba, Albine (Latin). Blandine, Blanche and Blanchette (French); Bianca (Italian); Jennifer (Celt); Genevieve, Candice (from Latin Candida); Fenela, Fiona and Finola (Irish); Gwendoline, Gwenael, Nol(g)wen (white adult female) (Celt), Nives (Spanish) and Zuria (Basque).[89]

In addition many names come from white flowers: Camille, Daisy, Lily, Lili, Magnolie, Jasmine, Yasemine, Leila, Marguerite, Rosalba, and others.

Other names come from the white pearl; Pearl, Margarita (Latin), Margaret, Margarethe, Marga, Grete, Rita, Gitta, Marjorie, Margot.

Temples, churches and government buildings

Since ancient times, temples, churches, and many government buildings in many countries have traditionally been white, the color associated with religious and civic virtue. The Parthenon and other ancient temples of Greece, and the buildings of the Roman Forum were mostly made of or clad in white marble, though it is now known that some of these aboriginal buildings were really brightly painted.[90] The Roman tradition of using white rock for government buildings and churches was revived in the Renaissance and particularly in the neoclassic style of the 18th and 19th centuries. White stone became the textile of choice for government buildings in Washington D.C. and other American cities. European cathedrals were also usually built of white or light-colored stone, though many darkened over the centuries from smoke and soot.

The Renaissance architect and scholar Leon Battista Alberti wrote in 1452 that churches should be plastered white on the within, since white was the merely appropriate color for reflection and meditation.[91] Traditional Cistercian architecture also places a high emphasis on white for similar reasons.[92] Later the Reformation, Calvinist churches in the Netherlands were whitewashed and sober within, a tradition that was also followed in the Protestant churches of New England, such as Onetime North Church in Boston.


People of the Caucasian race are oft referred to simply as white. The United States Census Bureau defines white people as those "having origins in whatever of the original peoples of Europe, the Heart East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported "white" or wrote in entries such as Irish gaelic, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."[93] White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a full of 204,277,273 or 61.6% of the population in the 2020 United States Census.

White flag

A white flag has long been used to represent either surrender or a request for a truce. It is believed to have originated in the 15th century, during the Hundred Years' War between French republic and England, when multicolored flags, too equally firearms, came into mutual use past European armies. The white flag was officially recognized every bit a request to terminate hostilities past the Geneva Convention of 1949.[94]

Vexillology and heraldry

In English heraldry, white or silver signified brightness, purity, virtue, and innocence.[95]

Meet also

  • Color realism
  • Listing of colors
  • Variations of white


  1. ^ Völz, Hans G.; Kischkewitz, Jürgen; Woditsch, Peter; Westerhaus, Axel; Griebler, Wolf-Dieter; De Liedekerke, Marcel; Buxbaum, Gunter; Printzen, Helmut; Mansmann. "Pigments, Inorganic". Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. doi:10.1002/14356007.a20_243.pub2.
  2. ^ Eva Heller (2000), Psychologie de la couleur – effets ets symboliques, pp. 130–46
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  65. ^ Heller, Eva, Psychologie de la couleur, effets et symboliques, Pyramyd. pp. 136–37
  66. ^ Anne Varichon, (2000), Couleurs – pigments et teintures dans les mains des peuples, p. 33.
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  79. ^ Smith, Douglas (2 October 2012). Onetime People: The Last Days of the Russian Aristocracy. Macmillan. ISBN978-1-4668-2775-2.
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  81. ^ Eva Heller (2000), Psychologie de la couleur – effets et symboliques, pp. 144–48
  82. ^ Eva Heller (2000), Psychologie de la couleur – effets et symboliques, pp. 135–36.
  83. ^ Eva Heller (2000), Psychologie de la couleur – effets et symboliques, p. 137.
  84. ^ Stefano Zuffi (2012), Color in Fine art, p. 254.
  85. ^ Codex Sinaiticus Archived 30 October 2013 at the Wayback Motorcar, Rev 6:8.
  86. ^ Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon Archived 6 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine: χλωρός.
  87. ^ Lydon, Christopher, "J. Edgar Hoover Made the FBI Formidable With Politics, Publicity and Results," The New York Times obituary, 3 May 1972
  88. ^ Eva Heller (2000), Psychologie de la Couleur – effets et symboliques, p. 133.
  89. ^ Heller 2000, pp. 133–34.
  90. ^ John Cuff (1993), Couleur et Culture, pp. xi–29.
  91. ^ Stefano Zuffi, Color in Art (2012), p. 244.
  92. ^ Sternberg, Maximillian (28 Baronial 2018). "Cistercian Architecture". Retrieved fifteen June 2021.
  93. ^ "The White Population: 2000" (PDF). United States Census Bureau. August 2001. Retrieved 10 March 2011.
  94. ^ Stefano Zuffi (2012), Color in Fine art, p. 256.
  95. ^ American Girls Handy Book: How to Charm Yourself and Others, by Adelia Beard. ISBN 978-0-87923-666-three, p. 369.


  • Heller, Eva (2000). Psychologie de la couleur – Effets et symboliques. Pyramyd (French translation). ISBN978-2-35017-156-2.
  • Varichon, Anne (2005). Couleurs – pigments et teintures dans les mains des peuples (in French). Editions de Seuil. ISBN978-ii-02-084697-4.
  • Zuffi, Stefano (2012). Colour in Art. Abrams. ISBN978-ane-4197-0111-5.
  • Gage, John (2009). La Couleur dans l'fine art. Thames & Hudson. ISBN978-2-87811-325-9.
  • Pastoureau, Michel (2005). Le petit livre des couleurs. Editions du Panama. ISBN978-2-7578-0310-3.
  • Brawl, Philip (2001). Vivid Earth – Art and the Invention of Colour. Penguin Group. ISBN978-ii-7541-0503-3.
  • St. Clair, Kassia (2016). The Secret Lives of Colour. London: John Murray. ISBN9781473630819. OCLC 936144129.

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